בית חב"ד נס ציונה

ביאליק 2, נס ציונה

א-ה 9:30-20:00

תמיד זמינים עבורכם גם בטלפון

לחבוש כיפה אבל לא לשמור שבת – לדוברי אנגלית בלבד

באתר החב"ד "אסק מוזז" (תשאל את משה) שאל מישהו את הרב: "I don't observe the Shabbat -- why should I wear a Kippah?" דו שיח מעניין ומרתק באנגלית שמובא כאן בלשונו. באתר ניתן לשוחח (באנגלית) עם אנשי הצוות 24 שעות ביום.

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: Welcome. I'll be with you in a moment…what's on your mind?

Matt: Good afternoon. I first want to say that I think this web-site is wonderful.

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: thank you!

Matt: That one may speak directly with a rabbi one-on-one is marvelous.

Matt: You are welcome.

Matt: i wanted to talk about Kippah and Shabbos [Ed. note: Shabbat] and stuff

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: ok – let's go through one piece of "stuff" at a time 🙂

Matt: My first question is as follows: I am not shomer shabbos [Shabbat observant] though I want to be. I have only recently started to observe Kashrut. That said, I like wearing a kippah. But, since I am not shomer shabbos, I feel wrong doing so. Especially when shabbos comes and I take it off. What do you think I should do? wear one or not?

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: In my opinion you should absolutely wear one, and here is why: 1) Just because you can't have a million dollars, that doesn't mean you should throw out the thousand that you have – i.e. just because right now you are not able to fulfill all the commandments you want to, that doesn't mean you should stop fulfilling the ones you are able to


The kippah is to remind us that G-d is constantly watching us. In practical terms wearing a Kippah will be a good and positive encouragement to continue to grow and do more of G-d's will

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: 2) the point of the kippah is to remind us that G-d is constantly watching us. In practical terms wearing a Kippah will be a good and positive encouragement to continue to grow and do more of G-d's will

Matt: am I not committing a chilul Hashem [desecration of G-d's name]? on thursday people see me with a kippah on and the on saturday those same people see me driving my car!

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: as in point 2) perhaps that will make you drive the car less 🙂

Matt: Also, I have a girlfriend. Is it not wrong for me to be seen with a girl, holding hands, eating-dinner etc., etc. with a kippah on?

Matt: (Kosher dinner of course!)

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: again go back to point 2 🙂

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: but let me tell you another story

Matt: I'm listenting 🙂

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: The great Rabbi Levi Yitzchok or Bardichev once came out of synagogue and saw a man in his Tallit and Tefillin fixing his wagon. Now an ordinary person would have gotten mad – how dare this Jew be fixing his wagon in middle of prayer! Not so the Rabbi of Bardichev who always seeked to judge jews favorably…


Say, "G-d, look, I know this is not perfect, but I got my kippah, I am thinking about you, and one day I will correct this too…"

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: He looked up to heaven and said: Master of the universe, look how special your children are, even while fixing their waggon, they are praying to you!

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: and so I would say the same for you – you want to be more observant and are on the way to doing so; keep it up! And if some times there is an awkward situation you can a) remember point 2) above, and b) remember this story and say G-d, look i know this is not perfect, but I got my kippah, i am thinking about you, and one day i will correct this too

Matt: hmm

Matt: makes sense

Matt: how should i deal with my parents yelling at me and calling me a hippocrite and stuff like that?

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: tell them the million dollar parable. Say you are on the way to doing more, and you are not going to lose on the things you could do just because there are other things you can' t do (as of yet)

Matt: alright, thank-you.

Matt: I appreciate your advice and counsel

Matt: You seem like a awesome Rabbi.

Matt: Kol Hakavod Lecha! 🙂

Rabbi Shlomo Chein: all the best to you! Keep up the good work!!!

Matt: thank-you

Matt: take care

Matt: kol tuv

לאתר אסק מוזז: לחצו כאן 

השאירו תגובה

שימו לב הודעה חשובה:

שימו לב, זמני פעילות: 

חנות היודאיקה וקבלת קהל של בית חב"ד נס ציונה:

ראשון עד חמישי: 8:30-20:00

ימי שישי וערבי חג: 8:30-13:00

רוצים להתפלל?

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צוות אתר חב"ד נס ציונה8